Kentucky basketball recruiting updates: Alijah Arenas commits, Caleb Wilson trolls, Nate Ament update and more…

Kentucky basketball ripped a massive win on the road in Knoxville. How are they doing on the recruiting trail?

Kentucky basketball recruiting never lacks drama, and this past week was no different. With top targets making moves and current commits making waves, there’s plenty to talk about in Big Blue Nation.

Five-star forward Nate Ament, one of the top uncommitted prospects in the 2025 class, was in Knoxville for Kentucky’s thrilling road win over Tennessee. Ament, a versatile 6-foot-9 wing ranked in the top 10 nationally, has Kentucky among his top schools, and watching the Wildcats pull off a gritty win in that hostile environment had to leave an impression, even though it was a Tenneessee official visit.

Ament’s game fits the modern style—he’s long, athletic, and can stretch the floor with his shooting. He’s also a plus defender who uses his length to disrupt passing lanes. Kentucky would love to add him to their already loaded 2025 class, but competition is stiff.

As expected, Alijah Arenas, son of former NBA star Gilbert Arenas, made it official—he’s staying home. The elite scoring guard committed to USC, a decision that wasn’t much of a surprise given his deep ties to the West Coast. Kentucky had been involved in his recruitment, but the buzz around him joining the Wildcats never really picked up steam.

Five-star forward Caleb Wilson took an interesting approach when discussing his dream lineup for 2025 propspects. Wilson, a North Carolina commit, recently posted his ideal 2025 starting lineup—one that included three Kentucky commits (Acaden Lewis, Jasper Johnson, and Malachi Moreno) and one undecided prospect considering Kentucky (Nate Ament).

The move left Kentucky fans scratching their heads. If Wilson truly wanted to play alongside those guys, why not just commit to Kentucky? Instead, he chose UNC and then put together a hypothetical dream team filled with future Wildcats. Intentional trolling or just a weird coincidence? Either way, it certainly stirred the pot.

Despite missing on Wilson, Kentucky’s 2025 class remains one of the best in the country. Jasper Johnson is a dynamic scoring guard, Acaden Lewis brings elite playmaking, and Malachi Moreno is a dominant post presence. If they can land Ament, it would solidify Kentucky’s spot as the team to beat on the recruiting trail.

Recruiting is always unpredictable, but one thing is certain—Kentucky will be in the middle of the biggest battles until signing day. For full recruit list,

Rick Pitino Begs Kentucky Not To Boo John Calipari In Return To Rupp Arena…

Arkansas basketball coach John Calipari will return to his former stomping grounds on Saturday when his Razorbacks square up against the Kentucky Wildcats. It represents his first time back at Rupp Arena since leaving last year.

Rick Pitino found himself in those same shoes earlier in his coaching career. After leaving Lexington and landing at Louisville, he faced an angry Big Blue Nation in 2001.

Pitino led the Wildcats for eight seasons, leading the program to three Final Fours and a national championship. He left to coach in the NBA before returning to college for a bitter rival.

At Louisville, he won another title before his controversial exit. He says the most difficult time in his coaching career came as a visitor in Rupp Arena.

John Calipari now expects to see a similar welcome when facing a Kentucky program he previously led to a title. The head coach experienced immediate success at the start of his tenure, racking up four Final Fours in his first five seasons.

Unfortunately, he was unable to sustain that success throughout the remainder of his time in Lexington. While the Wildcats were an annual NCAA Tournament team, they often struggled in the postseason.

A string of early exits to lower-ranked foes eventually led his relationship with the fanbase to sour. He chose to walk away from Lexington after 15 years, agreeing to a deal with SEC rival Arkansas while bringing a few Kentucky players with him. Calipari spoke on his upcoming return to Rupp Arena this week.

John Calipari anticipates that he’ll hear some boo birds ahead of tipoff. While it may not be as hostile as the one Rick Pitino previously experienced, you can bet Kentucky fans would take satisfaction in embarrassing their former coach.

Pitino reflected on his return, which came more than two decades ago. He begged Big Blue Nation not to boo Coach Cal as he walked onto the floor.

The Razorbacks and Wildcats are set to face off at 9 PM ET on Saturday night. Kentucky enters as the nation’s 12th-ranked team while Arkansas looks to right the ship after a 1-6 start in SEC play.

The welcome John Calipari receives will be a talking point throughout the night. We’ll see if the fanbase listens Rick Pitino’s pleas.

“Hajduk Split: Tajanstveni igrač otkriven nakon mjeseci špekulacija”

Hajduk Split: Tajanstveni igrač otkriven nakon mjeseci špekulacija


Nakon mjeseci špekulacija i nagađanja, Hajduk Split konačno je otkrio identitet tajanstvenog igrača koji je intrigirao navijače i medije. Igrač koji je bio podložan mnogim teorijama i pitanjima o svom dolasku u klub, sada je službeno predstavljen.


Tajanstveni igrač dolazi iz inozemstva


Igrač koji je izazvao veliku pažnju dolazi iz inozemstva, a njegov identitet bio je pažljivo čuvan od strane kluba. Iako su mnogi vjerovali da bi mogao biti poznati internacionalni nogometaš, sve informacije su bile obavijene velom tajne. Hajduk je dugo šutio o njegovom dolasku, a navijači su mogli samo nagađati o njegovom imenu.


Spekulacije i teorije o dolasku


Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci, mediji su se natopili raznim teorijama o potencijalnim pojačanjima Hajduka. Imena poput bivših reprezentativaca, mladih talentiranih igrača iz europskih liga, pa čak i veterana iz poznatih nogometnih liga, bili su među najčešće spominjanim kandidatima. Spekulacije su dosegle vrhunac kad je igrač, čiji su se tragovi mogli pratiti do nekoliko europskih klubova, naposlijetku sletio u Split.


Igrač konačno otkriven


Danas je konačno otkriveno da je tajanstveni igrač Julián Álvarez, mladi napadač koji dolazi iz Argentine, a koji je prethodno igrao za nekoliko europskih i latinoameričkih klubova. Ovaj talentirani napadač bio je predmet velikih interesiranja iz više klubova, ali je na kraju odlučio pridružiti se Hajduku Split, klubu s bogatom poviješću i velikim ambicijama. Svojim dolaskom u Hajduk, Álvarez će zasigurno donijeti svježinu i snagu napadačkom dijelu momčadi.


Što ovaj transfer znači za Hajduk?


Ovaj transfer označava ozbiljan iskorak za Hajduk Split, koji nastavlja ulagati u svoj tim kako bi se natjecao na najvišim razinama. Očekuje se da će Álvarez odmah biti ključna karika u napadu, a njegov dolazak dolazi u trenutku kada klub želi povratiti svoje mjesto među najboljima u hrvatskom nogometu i nastaviti natjecanje u europskim natjecanjima.


Navijači Hajduka mogu biti sretni što je dugo iščekivani transfer napokon službeno potvrđen, a s njim i nade za uspjeh kluba u nadolazećim sezonama.


In-state QB reclassification could shake up Georgia’s recruiting board…

One of the most interesting positions to watch for Georgia football so far in the 2026 recruiting cycle has been quarterback. Kirby Smart and the Bulldogs earned a commitment from the No. 1 QB in the country in Jared Curtis last year, but that commitment fell threw as Curtis chose to reopen his recruitment.

However, Georgia has remained in contact with Curtis and they still appear to be one of his top schools right now. There are also three other quarterbacks that Georgia is keeping a pulse on in the 2026 class that all could realistically be the quarterback who ends up in Georgia’s 2026 recruiting class as well.

However, some major news was just released on Monday from a quarterback in the 2027 class that could shake things up for Georgia and who they end up with at quarterback in the 2026 class.

According to On3, quarterback Mason Holtzclaw has officially announced that he has reclassified from the 2027 class and will be joining the 2026 class. On the surface this news doesn’t seem like it would impact Georgia all that much because he is from North Carolina, but acording to Rusty Mansell with On3, Holtzclaw will play his final season of high school football in Georgia.

Holtzclaw has not been ranked in the 2026 class yet, but he is someone that will receive a lot of attention now that he has joined the 2026 recruiting class. It is unclear at this time how interested Georgia will be in Holtzclaw beause they have not yet offered him, but he does hold offers already from Florida State, Kentucky, Georgia Tech, North Carolina and Virgina Tech. So it would not be surprising at all to see Georgia offer and get involved.

Time will tell if Georgia does end up showing any interest in Holtzclaw or not, but this news has the chance to really shake things up for Georgia at quarterback in the 2026 class.

“РЕВЮТА: Какво майка на Григор Димитров искаше да стане той” Майката на Григор Димитров искаше той да стане пастор и го изпрати в… Прочетете повече…

РЕВЮТА: Какво майка на Григор Димитров искаше да стане той


Григор Димитров, един от най-успешните български тенисисти, е познат в световния спорт с множество постижения и награди. Но малко хора знаят, че мечтите на майка му, Катя, за неговото бъдеще, били съвсем различни от кариерата му на спортист. Първоначално тя искала той да стане пастор и дори го изпратила в неделно училище, за да му вдъхне вяра и да го подготви за духовен път.


Ранните години на Григор и влиянието на майка му


Григор Димитров израства в семейство с дълбоки християнски ценности. Майка му, която е бивша тенисистка, виждала в него потенциал за духовен лидер, като същевременно вярвала, че чрез религията той ще може да се справя с житейските трудности. Така, вместо да започне с тренировки за тенис, тя го изпратила на неделно училище с надеждата да го насочи към пасторска кариера.


Изключването от неделното училище


Въпреки добрите намерения на майка му, не всичко вървяло по план. На 12 години Григор бил изключен от неделното училище. Причината за това било неговото несъгласие с някои от ученията, които се преподавали, и по-голямото му влечение към спорта, отколкото към религията. Тази случка била моментът, в който Григор осъзнал, че спортът е неговата истинска страст.


Преходът към тениса


След като бил изключен от неделното училище, Григор започнал да се отдава на тениса. Въпреки първоначалните разочарования и конфликтите със семейството, той доказал, че спортът е неговото призвание. Майка му, макар и разочарована от неговия избор, в крайна сметка го подкрепила в стремежа му да стане професионален тенисист. Днес, благодарение на неуморния си труд и отдаденост, Григор Димитров е един от най-успешните български спортисти в историята.


Майката на Григор: Постоянна подкрепа


Въпреки че Григор Димитров не последвал първоначалната мечта на майка си да стане пастор, тя винаги е била до него и му е давала подкрепата, от която се нуждаел, за да постигне успехи на тенис корта. Тя е един от най-големите му поддръжници и продължава да бъде важна част от живота му.




Историята на Григор Димитров и неговата майка е пример за това как понякога дори когато родителите имат различни идеи за бъдещето на своите деца, любовта и подкрепата могат да преодолеят всички препятствия. От пастор до световен тенисист, Григор Димитров е доказателство, че следването на собствените мечти и страсти води до успех.


ТЕГЛО СЕГА: С голямо тъга казваме сбогом: Треньорът на Григор Димитров, Дани Валверду, почина след автомобилна катастрофа, когато беше…

ТЕГЛО СЕГА: С голямо тъга казваме сбогом: Треньорът на Григор Димитров, Дани Валверду, почина след автомобилна катастрофа, когато беше…

С огромна тъга и съжаление, светът на тениса изпраща един от своите най-обичани и уважавани треньори. Дани Валверду, който беше дългогодишен треньор на българската тенис звезда Григор Димитров, почина трагично при автомобилна катастрофа. Новината шокира и разстрои не само спортната общност, но и всички, които познаваха Валверду като професионалист и приятел.


Кога и как стана инцидентът?


Според първоначалните информации, инцидентът е станал вчера, когато Дани Валверду е пътувал към дома си след работен ден. Той загубил контрол над автомобила си, което довело до фатален изход. Полицията разследва причините за катастрофата, но предварителните доклади показват, че това е бил трагичен инцидент, а не резултат от някакви криминални действия.


Наследство в света на тениса


Дани Валверду беше повече от треньор за Григор Димитров и за много други тенисисти. Той започна работа с Димитров през 2016 година и помогна на българския тенисист да постигне някои от най-големите си успехи, включително спечелването на финала на ATP през 2017 година. Валверду беше признат за своята работа не само върху техническите аспекти на играта, но и върху мотивацията и психологията на състезателите.


Сълзи и спомени от Григор Димитров


Григор Димитров, който изрази своето дълбоко съжаление за загубата на своя треньор и приятел, заяви: “Дани беше повече от треньор за мен. Той беше моят наставник, моят доверен съветник и добър приятел. Ще го помня завинаги и ще продължа да се боря за всички успехи, които той и аз споделихме.”


Димитров също така отбеляза, че Валверду не само е работил за успехите му на корта, но също така му е помогнал да се изправи срещу лични трудности и да се справя със стреса на професионалния спорт.


Почитания от тенис общността


След новината за смъртта на Дани Валверду, светът на тениса бе изпълнен с изрази на съболезнования и почит. Тенисисти, треньори и фенове от цял свят изразиха своето възхищение към неговия професионализъм и неговата отдаденост на играта.


Валверду беше уважаван и обичан не само заради своите треньорски умения, но и заради личните си качества. Той беше известен със своята скромност и внимателност към всички, с които работеше. Съболезнованията на неговото семейство и близки се изпращат от цялото тенис общество.




Смъртта на Дани Валверду оставя голяма празнина в тенис общността. Трагичният инцидент е изключително тъжен момент в историята на спорта, но наследството на Валверду като треньор и човек ще остане живо. Той ще бъде помнен не само заради успехите си, но и заради вдъхновението, което е дал на множество тенисисти по целия свят.




Breaking News: UNC Basketball Season Leaders Entering Rivalry Clash at Duke…

UNC basketball travels 10 miles up Tobacco Road to face the archrival Duke Blue Devils (18-2, 10-0 ACC), who rank No. 2 in the country and are enjoying a 14-game winning streak, in Cameron Indoor Stadium at 6:30 p.m. ET Saturday (ESPN). The Tar Heels (13-9, 6-4 ACC) probably have to defeat Duke at least once to have a realistic shot at earning an at-large invite to the NCAA Tournament.

With less than 48 hours until tipoff on Coach K Court, where the UNC basketball program hopes to prevail for what would be the fifth time across its past seven appearances, here’s a look at the stat leaders for Hubert Davis’ fourth batch of Tar Heels:

Column: This year proves it’s finally time to admit Jon Scheyer is a class above Hubert Davis…

I’ve been spending a lot of time on LinkedIn in the past year. Such is the song and dance of a college senior who hasn’t figured out what he’s doing postgrad.

Between the competition, networking and a skyrocketing cost of living, the search for employment is rarely an easy or smooth process. Even if you’re excited about it, getting a job is scary.

Especially if that job was previously occupied by arguably the best person to ever do that job.

Thus, I present Hubert Davis and Jon Scheyer — two head coaches tasked with carrying on two of the most un-carry-on-able dynasties in college basketball. For Davis, that’s following up on Dean Smith and Roy Williams’ five combined national titles. For Scheyer, it’s chasing a sixth banner after Mike Krzyzewski hung five.

With Davis in his fourth year at North Carolina’s helm and Scheyer in his third at Duke’s — at rival blue bloods separated by just a 15-minute drive, no less — the pair of first-time head coaches have understandably been pitted as each other’s yardstick and nemesis.

That positioning is apt, but I think it’s time to admit their “rivalry” is not equally yoked, even if the circumstances of their hiring and the programs they inherited are similar. This season is the most separated Duke and North Carolina have been in years: As Scheyer propels his Blue Devils toward their best shot at a national title since 2015, Davis’ Tar Heels are in danger of a second NCAA Tournament snub in three years.

The reasons for this are multiple. Scheyer is a better and more consistent recruiter, a better developer of talent and a better in-game manager. With Scheyer’s embrace of the transfer portal in a substantive way, his teams are also more balanced. But most importantly, Scheyer’s progression as a coach is clearer and the positive changes he’s made as a result of his past shortcomings are more evident.

That’s an encouraging sign for those in Durham and a damning one for those in Chapel Hill. Better or worse, depending on your preferred hex code, looking at both coaches’ careers indicates little chance either’s trajectory will change anytime soon. The important thing with both these coaches is to see progression, and the simple fact is that Scheyer’s is clear and Davis’ isn’t.

In addition to a lot of time on LinkedIn, I’ve also become quite invested in Formula One. If the hours I’ve spent watching races has taught me one thing, it’s that crashes are sudden. The things that cause them, however — worn-out tires, driver fatigue, poor preparation and bad strategy — are not.

I should acknowledge that of the two coaches, Davis has gotten far closer to raising a banner. That infamous 2021-22 run to the championship game is the crowning achievement of Davis’ career and a legendary piece of Tar Heel lore, particularly the bit where they effectively retired Krzyzewski twice.

But if you look beyond the emotion of that run — which is certainly relevant — Davis’ first season was up-and-down. If you zoom out, his whole coaching career has been.

In 2021-22, North Carolina had exactly two ranked wins and was a bubble team until a five-game win streak to close the regular season secured the team a berth. It escaped a 25-point blown lead in the Round of 32 against Baylor and failed to escape a 16-point blown lead in the title game against Kansas. Both of the Tar Heels’ runs, one to secure a NCAA Tournament spot and the other in the Big Dance, rested on abnormally good shooting from Caleb Love and Brady Manek, the likes of which neither has come close to replicating.

The following season, Davis’ Tar Heels were preseason No. 1 with four returning starters and highly sought-after transfer forward Pete Nance. They went 20-13, lost to Duke twice and missed the NCAA Tournament, the first time a preseason No. 1 team was excluded since 1985.

North Carolina bounced back in 2023-24 by securing a No. 1 seed in the tournament with a National Player of the Year contender in RJ Davis and an elite supporting cast, won the ACC regular-season title and took down Duke twice. Even still, the Tar Heels exited in the Sweet 16 to No. 4-seed Alabama as the Blue Devils upset No. 1-seed Houston and made it to the Elite Eight with an inferior roster and no true center.

And finally we arrive at 2024-25, where the Tar Heels are yet again an enigma: unranked, 13-9, on the bubble and winning games they should lose and losing games they should win.

This backslide boils down to a few factors, many of which are Davis’ responsibility. For one, he failed to sufficiently refresh the roster.

The gaping hole left by Armando Bacot in the post was not filled last offseason and has gotten bigger as teams exploit it. RJ Davis’ production has decreased since 2023-24. North Carolina has all the tools to compete with the best of them on the recruiting trail, but Davis’ recruits have largely underwhelmed, with Seth Trimble not taking enough of a leap in production to compensate for the loss of Harrison Ingram and Elliot Cadeau remaining a complete non-factor on the perimeter. Ian Jackson has been great as a freshman and Drake Powell has been serviceable, but neither have set the team on fire the way Duke’s cohort of Cooper Flagg, Khaman Maluach and Kon Knueppel have this year.

Davis’ scheming, preparation and in-game management have also been subpar. North Carolina sits 156th nationally in rebound margin, 297th in scoring defense and 88th in assist-to-turnover ratio this year. While scoring can come in spurts and often relies on players’ individual performances, defense, rebounding, playmaking and turnovers are more coachable aspects that translate between games. Duke, with a similarly competitive schedule to the Tar Heels, sits eighth, fifth and 10th in those respective metrics.

This isn’t to say the Blue Devils are perfect, but it is illustrative of a more comprehensive plan on Scheyer’s end to build a balanced roster and instill a cohesive playing philosophy.

Scheyer’s three recruiting classes so far have sat first, second and first nationally, with another top-ranked class on the way in 2025-26. Each is well-balanced, mixing high-volume scorers like Knueppel, Kyle Filipowski or Jared McCain with high-upside defenders like Tyrese Proctor, Maluach or Dereck Lively II. Each team has had flaws, as any does — Scheyer’s inaugural team lacked explosiveness, his second team lacked a dominant post player (Filipowski is a natural forward) and his 2024-25 team has a tendency to start slow — but by years’ end he has consistently amended those flaws.

Despite a fraught 2022-23 campaign, Scheyer still found a way to win the ACC Tournament and close the season on a 10-game winning streak. His team’s exit from the NCAA Tournament to Tennessee in the Round of 32, by players’ own admission, helped it become tougher, resulting in an Elite Eight run through a grind-it-out, physical win against Houston. In just his third year, as a direct result from the faults of his first and second, Scheyer has put together arguably the best squad in the nation with a realistic path to a championship.

That improvement has coincided with Scheyer’s development as an in-game coach, with more proactive substitutions, extended minutes for players on hot streaks and ruthless lineup changes that better combat the strengths of Duke’s opponents.

I don’t think Davis has underperformed because he hasn’t won The Big One. I think he has underperformed because his program-building is lagging.

If recruits don’t develop year-to-year in a large enough capacity to fill the shoes of departed upperclassmen, if defensive efficiency is lagging and his players are wasteful with the ball, that’s a sign that the coach isn’t doing what he needs to. Scheyer isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that his recruiting, in-game management, approach to roster construction and development of talent is improving.

Matchups between Duke and North Carolina always matter, but this year more than most, the game is a point of inflection between perpendicular lines. The upward slope belongs to Scheyer, the downward slope to Davis.

If the Blue Devils dominate as their resume says they should, it will be as much a kudos to Scheyer’s growth as an admonition of his rival’s lack thereof.

Mark Pope Finally Hears Ringing Bells Answered as Jaxson Robinson Shelves Tensions in Kentucky’s Close Victory…

Buzzer beaters, clutch plays, and pure chaos—last night’s showdown had it all. Kentucky fans were biting their nails as their team eked out a heart-stopping 95-90 victory over No. 14 Mississippi State. This game wasn’t just another win; it had all the ingredients for a classic—plot twists, high drama, and a defining moment that fans will remember for years to come. And if you weren’t watching, it’s time to hit rewind, because this one had it all.

In the postgame show on the UK Radio Network, Kentucky HC Mark Pope revealed a pivotal moment behind Jaxson Robinson’s standout performance. According to a tweet by [@JDrumUK](JeffDrummond), Pope shared that “Jaxson Robinson told him he had been pressing over his shot not falling and worrying about his future. Pope said he was able to let go of that this week and totally changed his focus/approach. Paid off tonight.”

The Wildcats shot a solid 47% from the field, but that stat hardly tells the full story of what transpired. Kentucky’s shooting was spectacular, especially from beyond the arc, where they hit 50% (16-of-32) of their three-point attempts. The performance was a direct reflection of head coach Mark Pope’s game plan, one that turned his 200th career victory into an unforgettable night for the Wildcats.

But as anyone who watched will tell you, it wasn’t just the shooting that made the difference—it was a night where the Wildcats’ resilience and adjustments shone through, particularly when the stakes were highest.

Jaxson Robinson, a name that rang through Rupp Arena, took center stage when it mattered most. The sophomore guard had been battling a shooting slump, feeling the pressure as his shots just wouldn’t fall.

Robinson exploded for a career-high 27 points, going 9-of-12 from the field and hitting 7-of-10 from three. He wasn’t just scoring; he was controlling the game, especially when Mississippi State tried to mount a comeback. When the Bulldogs made a jaw-dropping six-point possession in the second half to briefly grab the lead, Robinson’s sharpshooting and clutch plays ensured Kentucky didn’t lose momentum. It was exactly what the Wildcats needed, and Robinson delivered in style, giving Kentucky fans reason to lose their voices.

It wasn’t just Robinson, though. The Wildcats showed poise and composure as a team. Ansley Almonor stepped up with clutch three-pointers, and the defense tightened when it had to. Even with the Bulldogs’ surge, Kentucky maintained control, using their sharp shooting and resilience to hold onto the victory.

This game wasn’t just about the stats—it was about the bigger picture. Robinson’s standout performance wasn’t just the result of a hot shooting night; it was a story of growth, mental fortitude, and stepping up when the team needed him the most. With Coach Pope leading the charge, this victory felt like a statement, a moment where Kentucky showed that they’re more than just a team—they’re a force.

If they can keep this energy going, who knows how high they can fly this season. With the talent, leadership, and grit on display, the Wildcats are just getting started—and they’re definitely a team to watch as the season heats up.

Mark Pope and Jaxson Robinson played pivotal roles in steering Kentucky through tension-fueled moments during their nail-biting victory over Mississippi State. Coach Pope had previously acknowledged Kentucky’s defensive struggles, particularly with rebounding, which had been a point of concern in earlier games.

In their loss to Georgia, the Wildcats struggled on the glass, giving up crucial second-chance points that contributed to their defeat. Their lack of urgency and missed assignments compounded the issue, allowing Georgia to control the tempo.

However, in their subsequent game against Mississippi State, Kentucky turned things around. The Wildcats dominated the boards, out-rebounding the Bulldogs with a total of 42 rebounds, including 30 defensive boards.

This marked improvement in their rebounding efforts limited Mississippi State’s second-chance opportunities and helped Kentucky maintain control of the game. The physicality and discipline Kentucky displayed in the paint stood in stark contrast to their performance just days before.

On the offensive end, Kentucky’s shooting was on fire, especially from beyond the arc. The Wildcats hit an impressive 50% (16-of-32) from three-point range, with Jaxson Robinson and Ansley Almonor leading the charge.

Robinson was particularly outstanding, draining 7-of-10 from three-point range and contributing a career-high 27 points. His sharp shooting, combined with Kentucky’s defensive resilience, ensured they could maintain their lead, even as Mississippi State mounted a second-half push.

Pope’s adjustments were clear—improved defense and physicality on the glass, complemented by red-hot shooting, were key to Kentucky’s success. This victory was a reflection of the Wildcats’ ability to execute both offensively and defensively, steered by Pope’s leadership and Robinson’s performance under pressure. Kentucky’s rebounding turnaround and shooting efficiency ultimately secured them a crucial win, setting the stage for future success as they move forward in the season.

Mark Pope sounded open to keeping Big Z in Lexington, but the feeling was not mutual…

The big game is now only a few days away as the Kentucky Wildcats prepare to welcome the Arkansas Razorbacks to town. Obviously the return of John Calipari is the talking point, but the Razorbacks will also have three former Cats make their return to Rupp Arena as well.

For Mark Pope and this Kentucky staff, when they first got to Lexington and started to build a roster, Zvonimir Ivisic made the list of potential options, according to reports after the hire.

However, after conversations, Big Z decided to follow Coach Cal to Fayetteville.

During his pregame press conference on Thursday, Coach Pope was asked about the former players and had a little fun with the question.

“I talked with him a couple of times. He clearly didn’t like me as much as I liked him,” Pope said of Ivisic.

Big Z would have been a perfect fit for the offensive style that Pope runs and would have added some much-needed rim protection for this team. It’s no secret that Pope loves big men who can space the floor, and Ivisic can certainly do that.

The Croatian center shot 37.5% from deep as a freshman and has increased that to 40.6% on 3.4 attempts per game as a sophomore. He’s attempted at least four triples in three straight games and went 6/7 from deep in a non-conference win over Troy, so he’s fully capable of lighting it up if Kentucky doesn’t come prepared.

With Z now in Fayetteville, all we can hope is that he doesn’t have a breakout performance like he did against Georgia last season.