Now they are down four scores, which is a notable improvement from being down four scores. James Franklin has lobbed this one good and high. This is an Eschaton-worthy parabola.
After they kicked it the camera cut to Jim Harbaugh on the sidelines, looking equal parts perplexed and offended on behalf of the game of football:
Goth James Franklin Eats Some Arby’s
9/24/2016 – Michigan 49, Penn State 10 – 4-0, 1-0 Big Ten

[Bryan Fuller]
Two years ago this game featured Dennis Norfleet dancing, a lot of bad football, and a series of increasingly boggling in-game decisions. Brady Hoke and James Franklin engaged in bad decision tennis, lobbing ever more ludicrous balls over the net and daring the opposition to top it. There was no winner—there is never a winner in bad decision tennis—but Michigan did not lose. They won the game, and the tennis match was called on account of forgetting to breathe sometimes.
Fast forward two years and things are a little different for one of these teams. Jim Harbaugh’s taking timeout in case Jabrill Peppers can get a punt return in and asking to review a legitimately dodgy fourth-down spot despite being up a gorillion; James Franklin sees a fourth and goal from the two down 28-0 and decides on a field goal… wait, no, he’s taking a timeout because he realizes that is a terrible decision. And now he’s sending out…
Luka Dončić Stuns Fans, Confirms Return to Dallas Mavericks for Another Season
Dallas, TX – In a surprising and exciting announcement for basketball fans, Luka Dončić has confirmed his return to the Dallas Mavericks for
another season. The news comes amidst swirling speculation about his future, with rumors suggesting potential trade scenarios or a move to another team.
The Mavericks’ superstar, who has been the heart and soul of the franchise since being drafted in 2018, took to social media to share his decision. “Dallas is home. Let’s run it back!” Dončić wrote, instantly sending shockwaves through the NBA community.
Dončić, a five-time NBA All-Star and one of the league’s most dominant players, led the Mavericks to deep playoff runs in recent seasons. Despite challenges, including injuries and roster changes, his commitment to the team reaffirms his faith in the organization’s direction.
Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd expressed his enthusiasm about Dončić’s return. “Luka is a generational talent, and we are thrilled to have him back. We’re building something special, and he’s the centerpiece of it all.”
With this confirmation, the Mavericks’ front office will now focus on strengthening the roster around Dončić to make another push for an NBA championship. Fans, who had been anxiously awaiting his decision, can now breathe a sigh of relief, knowing their franchise cornerstone is staying put for at least another season.
The 2025 NBA season promises to be an exciting one, and with
Phil Jackson Declared “The Greatest of All Time” in Basketball History
In a historic moment for the basketball world, legendary coach Phil Jackson has been officially recognized as the greatest of all time in the history of the sport. Widely regarded for his unparalleled success in the NBA, Jackson’s legacy has left an indelible mark on basketball, influencing generations of players and coaches alike.
Nicknamed the “Zen Master” for his unique approach to coaching, Jackson revolutionized the game with his philosophical leadership and mastery of the Triangle Offense. With an incredible 11 NBA championships as a head coach—six with the Chicago Bulls and five with the Los Angeles Lakers—Jackson’s dominance remains unmatched.
NBA analysts, former players, and fans worldwide have long debated the GOAT conversation in coaching, but Jackson’s accolades, leadership, and impact on the sport set him apart. His ability to manage superstar egos, from Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen to Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal, while fostering a winning culture, has cemented his status as a basketball icon.
Beyond the championships, Jackson’s influence extends far beyond the hardwood. His emphasis on mindfulness, teamwork, and mental resilience changed how basketball is played and coached. His books on leadership and philosophy continue to inspire both sports professionals and business leaders alike.
As the basketball community reflects on Jackson’s contributions, his legendary status remains undisputed. Whether courtside or through his literary works, his impact on the game will be felt for generations to come.
Phil Jackson: The Greatest of All Time. The Architect of Championships. The Mastermind of Basketball.
Luka Dončićev 26. rojstni dan: Slovenija praznuje svojega košarkarskega čudežnega dečka
Danes, 28. februarja 2025, Luka Dončić praznuje svoj 26. rojstni dan. V zadnjem letu je Dončić doživel pomembne spremembe v svoji karieri, saj je bil v začetku februarja v odmevni menjavi iz Dallasa poslan k Los Angeles Lakersom.
Menjava je v košarkarskem svetu povzročila veliko presenečenje, saj je Dončić, petkratni udeleženec tekme All-Star, zamenjal ekipe z Anthonyjem Davisom. Ob tej priložnosti je Dončić izrazil olajšanje, da je obdobje negotovosti končano, in se osredotočil na novo poglavje svoje kariere v Los Angelesu. Ob svojem 26. rojstnem dnevu se Dončić pripravlja na nove izzive z Lakersi, medtem ko navijači v Sloveniji in po svetu praznujejo dosežke in talent tega izjemnega košarkarja.
Luka Dončić praznoval 26. rojstni dan z zmago nad Timberwolves
Luka Dončić je svoj 26. rojstni dan obeležil z izjemno predstavo, ki je Los Angeles Lakers popeljala do zmage nad Minnesota Timberwolves s 111:102. Dončić je prispeval 21 točk in 13 skokov, medtem ko je LeBron James blestel s 33 točkami in 17 skoki. Ta zmaga je Lakersom prinesla četrto zaporedno slavje in utrdila njihov položaj v zahodni konferenci.
Po tekmi je Dončićeva zaročenka, Anamaria Goltes, na družbenih omrežjih delila utrinke iz njunega novega življenja v Los Angelesu, vključno s fotografijami družine in Dončićevega dresa Lakersov.
Dončić se je ekipi Lakers pridružil pred tremi tedni v odmevni menjavi z Dallas Mavericks, v kateri je bil vključen tudi Anthony Davis. Kljub začetnim izzivom se Dončić in James na igrišču odlično ujemata, kar obeta svetlo prihodnost za Jezernike.
Trener Lakersov je po tekmi pohvalil Dončićevo hitro prilagoditev in poudaril, da njegova prisotnost moštvu prinaša novo dimenzijo igre. Navijači upajo, da bo ta zmagovalni niz nadaljeval tudi v prihodnjihTek nah.
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Dobre novice: Netflix bo izdal dokumentarni film o Luka Doncic
“PRIŠEL BOM PO NJEGA” Timberwolves; Recenzije Chrisa Fincha. Po porazu je najboljša ekipa Lakers s strašnim Wingom ‘DONCIC
DOVOLJ JE DOVOLJ, glavni trener Lakersov J.J. Redick je razkril veliko skrivnost o ključnem igralcu: “bil je vpleten…”
V nedavnem intervjuju je glavni trener Los Angeles Lakersov, J.J. Redick, razkril presenetljivo informacijo o ključnem igralcu ekipe, Luki Dončiću. Redick je poudaril, da je Dončić kljub svoji mladosti izjemno zrel igralec, ki s svojo naravno igro in uživanjem na igrišču navdušuje tako soigralce kot tudi trenerski štab. “Ko Luka igra, ni videti nobenega pritiska. Preprosto uživa v igri,” je dejal Redick.
Dončić in Redick sta že sodelovala v sezoni 2020-21 pri Dallas Mavericksih, kjer sta razvila močan medsebojni odnos. Ponovno združena pri Lakersih, njuno sodelovanje obeta veliko za prihodnost ekipe. Dončić je ob tej priložnosti izjavil, da zelo spoštuje Redicka in se veseli igranja pod njegovim vodstvom.
Trener Redick je prav tako izrazil navdušenje nad podporo slovenskih navijačev, ki so znani po svoji strasti do košarke. “Slovenski navijači so več kot dobrodošli. Upam, da bo cela država, da bodo vsi Slovenci postali navijači Lakersov,” je dejal Redick.
Lakersi se trenutno pripravljajo na naslednjo tekmo proti mestnim tekmecem, Los Angeles Clippersom, ki bo potekala v petek, 28. februarja
Per sempre nei nostri cuori “Non è quello che pensi” Il segreto dietro la morte di Roberto Baggio svelato oggi