“Zakaj bi menjava Luke Dončića lahko določila generacijo – za Mavericks, Lakers in NBA…

NICO HARRISON WORE the kind of suit no one could miss. Electric blue is probably the best way to describe it. And for 10 minutes, the Dallas Mavericks general manager stood at midcourt, 15 feet away from the generational superstar he’d traded to the Los Angeles Lakers a little over three weeks ago, and let himself be seen.

If Luka Dončić had anything to say to the executive who had upended his career — and the NBA — with one of the most shocking trades in league history, this was the moment.

Thousands of fans and media members were already inside Crypto.com Arena on Tuesday night, bearing witness to the scene. The vast majority of them pulled out cellphones to document it. Dončić on the Lakers’ side of the court, going through his pregame warmups. Harrison at midcourt, leaning against the scorer’s table.

Dončić did not look up or acknowledge Harrison once. Not during warmups. Not during the game, when Harrison sat right behind the Mavericks’ bench. And not after the game, when he was asked about it.

“I didn’t see him,” Dončić said with derision that would’ve made Don Draper proud.

The most game-changing trade in NBA history was a public and private repudiation of one of the best players in the world — of his work habits, of the culture he reportedly sets, of his future as a top player in basketball. Those close to him say he has alternated between shock, sadness and anger in the weeks since the trade. Every day that he goes home to the Los Angeles hotel he’s living in with his fiancée and young daughter is a reminder of how much his life has been upended.

This trade is a defining moment for everyone involved — for the Mavericks, for Harrison, for the Lakers — but especially for Dončić. What happens over the next 26 regular-season games will begin to shape their legacies and the league for the next generation.

“Great ones have been traded,” Mavericks coach Jason Kidd said before the game. “When you look at others that have been traded, they keep moving on. Yes, you’re going to be mad. Everyone’s human. … But you can be traded or you could be cut. How you respond after that is what everybody wants to see, and I truly believe Luka’s going to be fine.”

Still, even Dončić admitted he has never experienced rejection like this before.

“The closure is going to take a while, I think,” Dončić said after the Lakers’ 107-99 win. “It’s not ideal.”

“I’m glad this game is over,” Dončić said. “There was a lot of emotions. But we go little by little, and every day is better.”

For Dončić, facing the Mavericks was an opportunity to face the people and organization that had spurned him. For the Lakers, it was an opportunity to embrace and support their new star at a difficult moment.

“I think the best teacher in life is experience,” LeBron said. “When you first start off you’re not great, but that’s your aspiration, that’s your goal. You want to become great, but you have to go through adverse moments.”

For Harrison and Kidd, whom Dončić also pointedly did not acknowledge or embrace, it was a moment to stand behind the decision and take whatever scorn or response Dončić had for them.

On this night, Dončić chose to ignore them and anyone else who could be regarded as culpable for trading him. He would let his play speak for him: a 19-point, 15-rebound, 12-assist triple-double, his first as a Laker.

“I’m just glad it’s over, honestly,” Dončić said. “It was just so weird, the moments. Felt like I didn’t know what I was doing.”

Kyrie Irving has stayed in touch with Dončić since the trade, checking on his emotional state more than anything. He feels protective of Dončić.

“I don’t think he expected the change, and I think that’s probably what leads to him feeling his emotions even more so in a deeper way,” Irving said. “Rejection, I think that’s a strong word … but sometimes it can feel like that.

“You got to go through your process of grieving. Grieving … is not a word we use in NBA circles — it’s like, ‘Just be tough, bro.’ Everybody expects you to turn over the next page and get over it. The reality is, man, we’re human too.”

Eventually, Dončić will either move forward — or he won’t. Those close to him are working to help him do so sooner rather than later.

HOURS BEFORE TIPOFF Tuesday night, Nike posted an ad in which a purple Regera changes its No. 77 license plates from Texas to California plates. The soundtrack is George Strait’s hit “All My Ex’s Live In Texas.” The tagline is “Full Tank, No Mercy.” Nike also used Tuesday’s stage to roll out a new ad campaign for the release of his Luka 4s.

Before the game, that purple Regera pulled up outside of Crypto.com Arena to complete the spectacle.

This kind of rollout would only happen in Los Angeles, and after the trade, the stage was set for a massive Hollywood debut.

Dončić has already begun to signal he will eventually embrace all that comes along with the stage in the NBA’s glamour market. First, by donating $500,000 for wildfire recovery in Los Angeles. Then, Tuesday, by buying up a parking lot across the arena and offering free parking for fans on a first-come, first-served basis.

These are early, positive signs that Dončić’s future is in Los Angeles, even though he has the ability to become a free agent in 2026 and is no longer eligible to sign the massive five-year, $345 million supermax contract he could have received in Dallas. The Lakers can offer him a four-year, $229 million extension this summer, or, like other teams, a five-year, $296 million contract next summer.

Yes, the franchise will have to surround him with talent, a task the Mavericks struggled for five years to achieve and one that will only get harder when James eventually retires. And yes, the quickness with which he and James build their partnership on and off the court matters.

Every game is a microcosm of the pressure and challenge of integrating two such similar players, and the unique type of basketball brilliance this partnership can create. There are times when James and Dončić seem to be taking turns initiating the offense, much like James’ early days with Dwyane Wade in Miami. Then there are times when they look like they’ve been playing a two-man game for a decade.

There are stretches, like the fourth quarter of a loss to Charlotte last week, when Dončić looked like a defensive liability and out of shape — confirmation of the criticisms the NBA world heard after the trade. And then there have been games, such as Sunday’s win over the Denver Nuggets, when Dončić has looked like the best player in the world, one who can conjure magic on the court and lift a franchise to a championship.

Former Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who sat courtside in a pair of Luka 1 shoes to Tuesday’s game, took in the absurdity of the moment.

Each time Dončić touched the ball, Cuban made a show of booing him. At one point, Dončić turned to Cuban, smiled and said, “Shut up, Mark.”

But when asked by ESPN’s Tim MacMahon what it was like to root against Dončić, Cuban said, “I hated it.”

NICO HARRISON JE NOSIL obleko, ki je ni mogel spregledati nihče. Elektično modra je verjetno najboljši opis. In deset minut je generalni direktor Dallas Mavericks stal na sredini igrišča, 15 metrov stran od generacijskega superzvezdnika, katerega je pred nekaj več kot tremi tedni zamenjal za Los Angeles Lakers, in si dovolil biti viden.

Če bi Luka Dončić imel kaj povedati izvršnemu direktorju, ki je preobrnil njegovo kariero – in NBA – z enim najbolj presenetljivih trgov v zgodovini lige, bi bil to trenutek.

Tisoči navijačev in novinarjev so že bili v dvorani Crypto.com Arena v torek zvečer, priča tej sceni. Večina jih je potegnila svoje mobilne telefone, da bi dokumentirala trenutek. Dončić na strani Lakers, kjer je opravljal ogrevanje pred tekmo. Harrison na sredini igrišča, naslonjen na mizo za rezultati.

Dončić ni niti enkrat pogledal v Harrisonovo smer. Niti med ogrevanjem. Niti med tekmo, ko je Harrison sedel tik za klopjo Mavericks. In ne po tekmi, ko so ga o tem vprašali.

“Se ga nisem videl,” je Dončić rekel z gnusom, ki bi lahko rivaliziral z Donom Draperjem.

Najbolj prelomna menjava v zgodovini NBA je bila javna in zasebna zavrnitev enega najboljših igralcev na svetu – njegovih delovnih navad, kulture, ki naj bi jo postavil, njegove prihodnosti kot vrhunskega igralca v košarki. Tisti, ki so mu blizu, pravijo, da je v tednih po menjavi preklapljal med šokom, žalostjo in jezo. Vsak dan, ko se vrne v hotel v Los Angelesu, kjer živi s svojo zaročenko in majhno hčerko, je opomnik, koliko se je spremenilo njegovo življenje.

Ta menjava je prelomni trenutek za vse vpletene – za Mavericks, za Harrisona, za Lakers – predvsem pa za Dončića. Kaj se bo zgodilo v naslednjih 26 rednih sezonah, bo začelo oblikovati njihove zapuščine in ligo za naslednjo generacijo.

“Veliki so bili trgovani,” je pred tekmo dejal trener Mavericks Jason Kidd. “Ko pogledaš druge, ki so bili trgovani, nadaljujejo. Ja, jezen boš. Vsi smo ljudje. … Lahko si trgovani ali pa te odpustijo. Kako se boš odzval potem, to je tisto, kar vsi želijo videti, in verjamem, da bo Luka v redu.”

Kljub temu je tudi Dončić priznal, da še nikoli ni doživel takšne zavrnitve.

“Zapiranje bo trajalo nekaj časa, mislim,” je Dončić dejal po zmagi Lakers s 107 proti 99. “Ni idealno.”

“Vesel sem, da je ta tekma končana,” je dodal Dončić. “Bilo je veliko čustev. A gremo korak za korakom, vsak dan je bolje.”

Za Dončića je bilo soočenje z Mavericks priložnost, da se sooči z ljudmi in organizacijo, ki sta ga zavrnila. Za Lakers je bila priložnost, da objamejo in podprejo svojega novega zvezdnika v težkem trenutku.

“Mislim, da je najboljši učitelj v življenju izkušnja,” je dejal LeBron. “Ko začneš, nisi velik, ampak to je tvoj cilj, tvoja ambicija. Hočeš postati velik, vendar moraš skozi težke trenutke.”

Za Harrisona in Kidda, katerih Dončić prav tako ni očitno pozdravil ali objel, je bil to trenutek, da stojita za svojo odločitvijo in sprejmeta vse zamere ali odzive, ki jih ima Dončić do njiju.

Ta večer je Dončić izbral, da jih ignorira in vse, ki bi jih lahko štel za odgovorne za njegovo menjavo. Pustil je, da njegova igra spregovori zanj: 19 točk, 15 skokov, 12 asistenc – triple-double, njegov prvi kot igralec Lakers.

“Vesel sem, da je to končano, iskreno,” je dejal Dončić. “Bilo je tako čudno, tisti trenutki. Kot da ne bi vedel, kaj počnem.”

Kyrie Irving je ostal v stiku z Dončićem po menjavi, predvsem zaradi njegovega čustvenega stanja. Občuti zaščitniški odnos do Dončića.

“Mislim, da ni pričakoval te spremembe, in mislim, da je to verjetno tisto, kar vodi do tega, da čuti svoja čustva še globlje,” je dejal Irving. “Zavrnitev, mislim, da je to močna beseda … ampak včasih se tako lahko počutiš.”

“Moramo iti skozi svoj proces žalovanja. Žalovanje … to ni beseda, ki jo uporabljamo v NBA krogih – kot, ‘Samo bodi trden, prijatelj.’ Vsi pričakujejo, da boš prešel na naslednjo stran in to pozabil. Realnost pa je, da smo tudi mi ljudje.”

Na koncu bo Dončić ali šel naprej – ali ne bo. Tisti, ki so mu blizu, mu pomagajo, da se bo čim prej odločil za napredek.

TUNGE PRED ZAČETKOM TEKME je Nike objavil oglas, v katerem se vijoličen Regera spremeni iz številke 77 iz Teksasa v Kalifornijske registrske tablice. Oglas spremlja pesem Georgea Straita “All My Ex’s Live In Texas”. Slogan je “Full Tank, No Mercy.” Nike je izkoristil tudi to tekmo, da predstavi novo oglaševalsko kampanjo ob izdaji njegovih Luka 4.

Pred tekmo je vijoličen Regera pripeljal pred dvorano Crypto.com Arena in dokončal spektakel.

Takšen tip promocije se lahko zgodi le v Los Angelesu, in po menjavi je bil oder pripravljen za velik Hollywoodski nastop.

Dončić že nakazuje, da bo na koncu sprejel vse, kar pride z odrom v NBA-jevem glamuroznem trgu. Najprej z donacijo 500.000 dolarjev za obnovo po požarih v Los Angelesu. Potem, v torek, z nakupom parkirišča pred dvorano in ponudbo brezplačnega parkiranja za navijače, ki so prvi prišli.

To so zgodnji, pozitivni signali, da je Dončićeva prihodnost v Los Angelesu, čeprav ima možnost postati prost igralec leta 2026 in ni več upravičen do podpisa ogromne petletne pogodbe v vrednosti 345 milijonov dolarjev, ki bi jo lahko prejel v Dallasu. Lakersi mu lahko ponudijo štiriletno podaljšanje pogodbe v vrednosti 229 milijonov dolarjev poleti, ali pa, kot druge ekipe, petletno pogodbo v vrednosti 296 milijonov dolarjev prihodnje poletje.

Seveda bo morala ekipa obkrožiti njega s talenti, kar je naloga, s katero so se Mavericks mučili pet let, in bo postajalo vedno težje, ko James končno upočasni. In ja, hitrost, s katero bosta James in Dončić zgradila svojo partnerstvo na igrišču in izven njega, bo pomembna.

Vsaka tekma je mikrokozmos pritiska in izzivov pri vključevanju dveh tako podobnih igralcev ter edinstvene vrste košarkarske briljantnosti, ki jo lahko to partnerstvo ustvari. Obstajajo trenutki, ko se James in Dončić izmenjujeta pri začetku napada, kot v Jamesovih zgodnjih dneh z Dwyaneom Wadem v Miamiju. Potem pa so trenutki, ko izgleda, kot da sta igrala v dvoigralnem paru že desetletje.

So obdobja, kot je četrta četrtina poraza proti Charlotte prejšnji teden, ko je Dončić izgledal kot obrambna šibkost in izven forme – potrditev kritik, ki jih je NBA svet slišal po menjavi. In potem so igre, kot je nedeljska zmaga proti Denver Nuggets, ko je Dončić izgledal kot najboljši igralec na svetu, tisti, ki lahko na igrišču ustvari čudeže in popelje ekipo do naslova.

Bivši lastnik Mavericks Mark Cuban, ki je sedel ob robu igrišča v čevljih Luka 1 na torek, je spremljal absurdnost trenutka.

Vsakič, ko je Dončić prejel žogo, je Cuban uprizoril bučno bujenje. Nekajkrat se je Dončić obrnil proti Cubanu, se nasmehnil in rekel: “Zaprskaj, Mark.”

Ko pa ga je novinar ESPN Tim MacMahon vprašal, kaj je bilo, ko je navijal proti Dončiću, je Cuban odgovoril: “Sovražil sem to.”

Luka Dončić’s Triple-Double Leads Lakers to Victory Over Mavericks in Emotional Showdown

Luka Dončić’s Triple-Double Leads Lakers to Victory Over Mavericks in Emotional Showdown

In a thrilling and emotional contest, Luka Dončić delivered a spectacular triple-double performance to lead the Los Angeles Lakers to a 107-99 victory over the Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday night. This game marked Dončić’s first meeting with his former team since being traded to the Lakers in a blockbuster deal earlier this season.

Dončić, who spent the first six years of his NBA career with the Mavericks, showcased his all-around game with 19 points, 15 rebounds, and 12 assists. Despite struggling with his shooting efficiency, the Slovenian superstar made up for it with his playmaking and rebounding, proving instrumental in the Lakers’ second-half surge. His intensity was evident throughout the game, as he frequently engaged with the Mavericks’ bench and even received a technical foul in the first quarter for arguing with officials.

LeBron James led all Lakers scorers with 27 points, adding 12 rebounds and six assists, while Austin Reaves and Rui Hachimura contributed 20 and 15 points, respectively. The Lakers’ defense also played a key role in securing the win, limiting the Mavericks to just 18 points in the fourth quarter.

For the Mavericks, Kyrie Irving put on a scoring clinic, finishing with 35 points, but his efforts weren’t enough to overcome Dončić and the Lakers. Klay Thompson, who joined Dallas at the trade deadline, added 22 points, but the team struggled to find offensive rhythm in the closing minutes.

The matchup was highly anticipated, not just because of Dončić’s return against his former team, but also due to the playoff implications for both squads. With the win, the Lakers improved to 13-3 since January 21, solidifying their position in the Western Conference standings. Meanwhile, the Mavericks, who have been adjusting to their new roster, are still searching for consistency.

Despite the competitive nature of the game, Dončić expressed his respect for the Mavericks organization post-game, stating, “It was an emotional night, but at the end of the day, I have great memories in Dallas. Now, my focus is on helping the Lakers win.”

As the season progresses, all eyes will be on Dončić and the Lakers to see if this new-look team can contend for a


LeBron James’ Hard Work Pays Off: NBA Star Earns Salary Increase and Higher Allowances in New Deal

LeBron James’ Hard Work Pays Off: NBA Star Earns Salary Increase and Higher Allowances in New Deal


Los Angeles, CA – LeBron James, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, has been rewarded for his dedication, talent, and relentless work ethic with a significant salary increase and enhanced allowances. The Los Angeles Lakers star, who has consistently delivered outstanding performances, will now see his earnings reach new heights, solidifying his position as one of the highest-paid athletes in the world.


James, who has spent over two decades in the NBA, has been instrumental in shaping the league’s modern era. His leadership on and off the court, coupled with his ability to consistently perform at an elite level, has earned him not only respect but also financial rewards that reflect his immense contributions. Sources close to the Lakers confirm that the franchise recognizes LeBron’s value not only as a player but also as a mentor to younger talents and a key figure in maintaining the team’s competitive edge.


The increase in salary and allowances comes at a time when LeBron continues to defy age-related expectations. Even in his late 30s, he remains a dominant force in the league, averaging impressive stats and maintaining his status as one of the most valuable players. His work ethic, which includes intense training sessions, disciplined nutrition, and strategic game preparation, has been a blueprint for younger athletes aspiring to reach similar heights.


Beyond his on-court excellence, James has also been a key figure in business and philanthropy. His influence extends into multiple industries, including media, education, and sports investments. This latest contract boost further cements his financial legacy and ensures that his contributions to the game and society continue to grow.


With the Lakers aiming for another championship run, LeBron’s new deal serves as both a reward and motivation. As the season progresses, fans and analysts alike will watch closely to see how the basketball icon continues to redefine excellence in the sport.


ŠOKANTNA ODSTOP: Luka Dončić Presenetil Navijače s Sporočilom o Koncu Karijere Po Njegovi Situaciji s Trgom…

Luka Dončić, ena največjih košarkarske lige NBA, je danes presenetil svoje oboževalce z nenavadnim sporočilom, v katerem je napovedal konec svoje kariere. To dramatično dejanje je sledilo njegovim negotovim razmeram glede morebitnega prestopa, ki so že nekaj časa v ospredju mediji in strokovnjake.

Po več mesecih špekulacij o njegovem prihodnjem položaju v Dallas Mavericks, kjer je Dončić igral od začetka svoje profesionalne kariere, je slovenski as nenadoma postal osrednja tema pogovorov v svetu športa. Pred tem je večkrat opozoril, da ni zadovoljen z aktualnim stanjem ekipe, zaradi česar so se pojavile govorice o njegovem morebitnem odhodu.

Danes pa je Dončić presenetil vse, ko je na svojem družbenem omrežju objavil sporočilo, v katerem je napovedal, da zapušča košarko zaradi osebnih razlogov in težav, ki jih prinaša nenehna negotovost glede njegove prihodnosti. “Po dolgem razmisleku sem sprejel odločitev, da končam svojo košarkarsko pot. Hvala vsem, ki ste me podpirali, a prišel je čas za nov začetek,” je zapisal Dončić.

Njegova odločitev je povzročila šok med navijači in strokovnjaki, saj je bil še vedno v najboljših letih svoje kariere. Dončić je v preteklih letih postal eno najbolj prepoznavnih imen v NBA, a zdi se, da se mu ob trenutni situaciji ni mogel več posvetiti le košarki. Navijači upajo, da bo Dončić premislil svojo odločitev, vendar se zdi, da bo ta odločitev ostala trajna.

**ŠOKANTNA ODSTOP: Luka Dončić Presenetil Navijače s Sporočilom o Koncu Karijere Po Njegovi Situaciji s Trgom**

Luka Dončić, ena največjih zvezd košarkarske lige NBA, je danes presenetil svoje oboževalce z nenavadnim sporočilom, v katerem je napovedal konec svoje kariere. To dramatično dejanje je sledilo njegovim negotovim razmeram glede morebitnega prestopa, ki so že nekaj časa v ospredju mediji in strokovnjake.

Po več mesecih špekulacij o njegovem prihodnjem položaju v Dallas Mavericks, kjer je Dončić igral od začetka svoje profesionalne kariere, je slovenski as nenadoma postal osrednja tema pogovorov v svetu športa. Pred tem je večkrat opozoril, da ni zadovoljen z aktualnim stanjem ekipe, zaradi česar so se pojavile govorice o njegovem morebitnem odhodu.

Danes pa je Dončić presenetil vse, ko je na svojem družbenem omrežju objavil sporočilo, v katerem je napovedal, da zapušča košarko zaradi osebnih razlogov in težav, ki jih prinaša nenehna negotovost glede njegove prihodnosti. “Po dolgem razmisleku sem sprejel odločitev, da končam svojo košarkarsko pot. Hvala vsem, ki ste me podpirali, a prišel je čas za nov začetek,” je zapisal Dončić.

Njegova odločitev je povzročila šok med navijači in strokovnjaki, saj je bil še vedno v najboljših letih svoje kariere. Dončić je v preteklih letih postal eno najbolj prepoznavnih imen v NBA, a zdi se, da se mu ob trenutni situaciji ni mogel več posvetiti le košarki. Navijači upajo, da bo Dončić premislil svojo odločitev, vendar se zdi, da bo ta odločitev ostala trajna.

ŠOKANTNE NOVICE: Zvezdnik Lakersov Luka Dončić Jasno Napovedal, da…

Luka Dončić, zvezdnik Los Angeles Lakersov, je v zadnjem intervjuju šokiral vse oboževalce in športne navdušence. Po dolgem času in številnih špekulacijah je končno jasno povedal, kaj načrtuje za svojo prihodnost v NBA. Dončić, ki je bil eden najbolj vročih igralcev v ligi, je razkril, da se namerava osredotočiti na svojo ekipo, a obenem priznava, da je pred njim še veliko izzivov.

“Prisežem, da sem vedno dal vse od sebe za svoj tim,” je dejal Dončić, ki je v zadnjem obdobju navdušil z izjemnimi predstavami. “Vseeno pa vem, da je pred nami še dolgo potovanje, ki bo polno presenečenj. Ponosno nosim dres Lakersov, vendar moramo ostati osredotočeni na naš cilj – osvojitev naslova.”

Njegove besede so povzročile veliko navdušenja med oboževalci, saj so mnogi menili, da bi lahko Dončić postal ključni igralec za prihodnost ekipe. Vendar pa se je Luki že dolgo pred tem pripisovala težka naloga – prinašanje uspehov Lakersom, ki so v zadnjih sezonah iskali svojo pravo pot.

Dončić je še povedal, da se bo osredotočil na izboljšanje svoje igre, še posebej na obrambne naloge, ki so v preteklosti predstavljale izziv. Kljub velikim pričakovanjem je prepričan, da bo uspešno pomagal Lakersom doseči visoke cilje v prihodnjih sezonah.

Oboževalci že nestrpno pričakujejo, kako bo Luka Dončić v prihodnosti vplival na igro Lakersov in ali bo ekipa uspela ponovno poseči po naslovu.

Dallas Mavericks left to answer big question on Luka Doncic trade: Why…

Dallas Mavericks left to answer big question on Luka Doncic trade: Why?

The Mavericks trade of superstar Luka Doncic to the LA Lakers has the whole NBA asking why Dallas made the bombshell, three-team exchange.

Luka Doncic reacts.
Luka Doncic has been traded from the Dallas Mavericks to the Los Angeles Lakers [Nick Wass/AP]

Anthony Davis is a four-time first-team All-NBA selection, a three-time pick for the All-Defensive team, an NBA champion. He’s averaging 25.7 points and 11.9 rebounds per game in this NBA season, a month before his 32nd birthday.

And despite his credentials, Dallas Mavericks fans and others on Sunday were left wondering why their team would acquire Davis if it meant giving up Luka Doncic, a dynamic scorer who led the league with 33.9 points per game last season and has been named All-NBA five seasons in a row.

All before he turns 26 later this month.

Late on Saturday night, the Mavericks dealt Doncic, Maxi Kleber and Markieff Morris to the Los Angeles Lakers for Davis, Max Christie and a 2029 first-round pick, per ESPN.

Utah was involved as a third team to facilitate the trade, receiving Jalen Hood-Schifino, the Los Angeles Clippers’ 2025 second-round pick and the Mavericks’ 2025 second-round selection.

Dallas general manager Nico Harrison told ESPN early on Sunday that Doncic’s shortcoming as a defender – and Davis’ excellence at that end of the floor – were driving factors for the deal as the Mavericks strive to reach the NBA playoffs.

The Doncic-led Mavericks were swept by the Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals last June.

“I believe that defence wins championships,” Harrison said. “I believe that getting an All-Defensive centre and an All-NBA player with a defensive mindset gives us a better chance. We’re built to win now and in the future.”

The ESPN report also indicated the Mavericks were frustrated by Doncic failing to emphasize conditioning. While he’s listed at 6-foot-6 (1.98m), 230 pounds (104kg) by NBA.com, he reportedly weighed more than 260 pounds (118kg) early this season.

His weight has led to concerns that the extra pounds have made him prone to injuries, such as the calf strain he sustained on Christmas Day in a loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Doncic hasn’t played since but is expected to return by the All-Star break this month. He has been limited to 22 games this season.

Harrison and Dallas Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd undoubtedly will face more questions on the deal.

“Luka getting traded from Dallas has to have a deeper story behind it,” wrote Tristan Thompson of the Cleveland Cavaliers on X, formerly Twitter. “This just doesn’t happen on a random Saturday night.”

Thompson won the NBA title with LeBron James in Cleveland in 2016. And while speculation long has persisted that James gives his input on the roster to the Lakers front office, ESPN reported that wasn’t the case with this trade.

Per the network, James was dining with his family on Saturday night after the Lakers’ win in New York against the Knicks when he heard about the trade.

Doncic and Davis also learned of the deal after the Mavericks and Lakers reached an agreement, per ESPN.

Tim Cowlishaw, sports columnist for The Dallas Morning News, wrote in his Sunday piece that the trade doesn’t add up for him – and repeats franchise history.

“I will say it now and I will say it again 48 hours from now: There is something missing here,” Cowlishaw said. “There has to be some element of this trade not yet reported, some bizarre set of facts that led Harrison and the Mavericks down this incredibly silly path.

“Remember the Mavericks traded Jason Kidd when he was 23 so he could make eight All-Star Game appearances with Phoenix and New Jersey before closing his career back in Dallas with the franchise’s single championship. As good as Kidd was obviously going to be, he wasn’t there yet. He wasn’t first-team all-NBA year after year like Luka has been until this injury-plagued season.”

fered an abdominal strain during the Lakers’ 118-104 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers on Tuesday and was expected to miss at least a week. It’s unclear when he’ll put on a Dallas uniform for the first time.

The Mavericks, in eighth place in the Western Conference, are set to face the Cavaliers in Cleveland on Sunday. They are expected to eventually put a starting lineup of guards Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson, forwards Davis and P.J. Washington and centre Daniel Gafford – subbing until Dereck Lively II returns from a fractured foot – on the floor.

Cowlishaw remained mystified.

“That’s right, a player (Davis) six years older than Luka is now coming to Dallas, presumably to tag team with two other 30-somethings, Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson, to lead this team to, what, a play-in game? In a Western Conference where Oklahoma City, Houston and Memphis will just run you off the floor with their youth and athleticism, the Mavericks are seeking to win based on memories of a decade ago,” he wrote.

Am Going Back: “My Career is not Here” Luka Doncic Rejected a Some of $105.5m from Lakers to Return to his former team Dallas Mavericks…Read More…

Luka Dončić, the Dallas Mavericks’ star player, has decided to stay with his former team, rejecting a lucrative offer from the Los Angeles Lakers worth $105.5 million. This move comes as a shock to many NBA fans and analysts who were speculating on Dončić’s future in the league. Despite the tempting financial package from one of the most iconic franchises in the NBA, Dončić made it clear that his heart lies in Dallas.

Sources reveal that the Lakers were prepared to offer Dončić a multi-year deal that would have made him one of the highest-paid players in the NBA. However, in a press statement, Dončić admitted that although the financial incentives were substantial, he felt his career was not meant to be in Los Angeles. “My career is not here,” he stated, reaffirming his commitment to the Mavericks and his deep connection with the team and city.

The 24-year-old Slovenian has quickly become the face of the Mavericks, leading them to numerous playoff appearances and earning All-Star honors. His decision to remain in Dallas solidifies his position as the centerpiece of the team for the foreseeable future. Dončić’s loyalty to the Mavericks has been well-known, and his rejection of such a high-profile offer highlights his desire for stability and growth in a team that believes in his potential.

Mavericks fans will undoubtedly celebrate this decision, as Dončić’s leadership on and off the court continues to make him one of the most exciting and promising talents in the NBA. With the future now clear, the Mavs can focus on building around their superstar for the coming seasons.

The Mavericks goes from bad to worse after doing this controversial action after Luka Doncic’s trade…

The Dallas Mavericks have created a whole new novel by censoring an official video featuring Luka Doncic. A prominent logo was strategically placed over Doncic’s image, effectively obscuring him from view. This unusual move has fueled speculation about internal issues within the organization, with many pointing fingers at Nico Harrison and the perceived disorganization of the Mavericks’ front office. The incident has left fans puzzled and concerned, wondering about the reasons behind this apparent snub and what it signifies for the future of the franchise and its star player.

This latest incident involving the Dallas Mavericks and Luka Doncic takes a bizarre turn. In an official team video, Doncic’s presence was not just minimized, but seemingly erased in a remarkably amateurish way. The clumsy attempt to remove him from the footage has only amplified the speculation about discord within the organization, raising questions about the professionalism and decision-making of the Mavericks’ leadership. The ham-fisted edit has become a talking point, further fueling rumors of tension between the star player and the team.

The Los Angeles Lakers have a potentially franchise-altering opportunity before them: the chance to acquire a generational talent like Luka Doncic. Doncic, a former EuroLeague MVP, has already proven his exceptional skills and basketball IQ. Pairing him with LeBron James, even in the twilight of LeBron’s career, would create one of the most dynamic and exciting duos the NBA has seen. 1 The potential for immediate contention and the passing of the torch from one superstar to another makes this a truly unique scenario.

The Lakers now have the chance to build their future around a player of Doncic’s caliber for years to come. This opportunity arises after a series of savvy moves by the Lakers front office, acquiring other key players and assembling a strong supporting cast. With a mix of established veterans and promising young talent, the Lakers could create a championship-caliber team around Doncic, solidifying their position as a dominant force in the NBA for the foreseeable future.

Even with the addition of a proven talent and NBA champion like Anthony Davis, the Mavericks’ recent handling of Luka Doncic raises serious questions about their decision-making. Trading away arguably the best player in franchise history since Dirk Nowitzki is a monumental gamble. How will they recover from such a significant loss? Can they rebuild around other players to achieve the same level of success Doncic brought?

This situation also casts a shadow of doubt over the team’s long-term strategy. Does this trade represent a pattern of questionable personnel decisions within the Mavericks organization? Will this become a recurring theme, where promising talent is allowed to slip away? Only time will tell if the Mavericks can bounce back from this, or if this decision will haunt them for years to come.

Luka Doncic never said he wanted to be a Laker which increases the pressure on Los Angeles to re-sign him…

Luka Doncic‘s trade from the Dallas Mavericks to the Los Angeles Lakers will go down in history as one of the most shocking moves in professional sports.

One of the faces of the NBA didn’t give any hints that he wanted to move out of Texas but he was out of the Lone Star State before he knew it and that has sparked rumours about him parting ways with the Mavericks.

But now, Doncic has to call Los Angeles home although we don’t know for how long. He lost $116 million by being traded from Dallas to LA: he was eligible to get a super max deal with the Mavs that would have been worth $345 million for five years, but instead the maximum amount of money he would get with the Lakers is a $229 million deal.

ESPN senior writer Brian Windhorst shared what he believes is the main concern for the Los Angeles Lakers in regards to Luka Doncic’s future with the team. According to the analyst, this topic could become a big issue for the home that Magic and Kobe built.

“I understand they got pressure because they (the Lakers) have to play Denver this wekend or whatever, but the pressure is on the organization between now and August 2nd to get Luka to sign that extension. That’s where the pressure is.” Windhorst said.

He went on to say that Luka does not have incentives to sign with Los Angeles. “He never said ‘I want to be a Laker’, there’s dozens of players over the years that had made it clear that they wanted to be with the Lakers, Luka never said that. This hit him out of the blue, it costed him a $100 million.”

According to Windhorst, the Slovenian superstar is gonna play close attention to the Lakers management moves during the summer to see if they could build a competitive team around him. “The Lakers are not winning a championship this year, their big, big, big moment is whether or nor Luka commits to the future so that they can properly do this again with a new face to the franchise.”

Luka Doncic is one of just two players in NBA history to amass at least 10,000 points, 3,000 rebounds, and 3,000 assists through their first 400 career games (joining Oscar Robertson), and his 117 triple-doubles before turning 26 trail only the Big O.

Doncic captured the NBA scoring title by averaging 33.9 points per game during the 2023-24 season. In 50 career playoff games, he’s posted averages of 30.9 points, 9.4 rebounds, 8 assists, and 1.7 steals in 38.9 minutes, leading Dallas to the NBA Finals last season.

BREAKING NEWS: Kentucky freshman Travis Perry is making the most of a situation that nobody saw coming…Read more…

On the eve of the game at Texas on Saturday, it dawned on Travis Perry that he was about to become the starting point guard for the Kentucky Wildcats. Lamont Butler and Kerr Kriisa — the team’s two fifth-year point guards — were officially ruled out on Friday night’s SEC injury report.

The Cats’ de facto point guard in their place — Jaxson Robinson, another fifth-year player — was ruled out, too, forced to miss a second consecutive game with a wrist injury.

**Kentucky Freshman Travis Perry Surprises Everyone with Standout Performance**

In a season full of expectations for the University of Kentucky’s men’s basketball team, one freshman is making waves and turning heads—Travis Perry. The 6-foot-2 guard from Kentucky was not originally a headline name when he joined the Wildcats, but his rise to prominence has caught the attention of fans, coaches, and analysts alike.

Perry, known for his sharp shooting and relentless work ethic, has capitalized on the opportunity to showcase his skills, earning a significant role in Kentucky’s rotation. What many considered a long shot has quickly become a success story no one saw coming.

“Travis has been a real surprise for us,” said head coach John Calipari. “He’s done everything right—working hard, staying focused, and seizing every chance he gets. He’s been one of the most consistent players on the floor this season.”

Through early games, Perry has shown an impressive ability to score and create plays, whether by hitting clutch three-pointers or stepping up on defense. His quick adaptation to the college game has impressed even the most seasoned analysts who thought it would take time for him to adjust.

Perry’s standout performances have provided much-needed depth to a Kentucky team that has faced its fair share of adversity. Fans are already drawing comparisons to some of the Wildcats’ greatest freshman talents.

Kentucky fans have quickly embraced Perry as one of the team’s rising stars, and it’s clear that his unexpected contribution is becoming a key element of the Wildcats’ strategy moving forward. While it’s still early in the season, his performances are certainly something to watch as the team pushes for a strong postseason run.

What seemed like an unexpected twist for Perry’s career is now proving to be a breakthrough moment in the making. As the season progresses, expectations are high for the freshman to continue making an impact for Kentucky.